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This command is for changing the default settings.
* CONFIG CTRLKEYS is for command-line-editing-keys-definitions
(great word :). In other words: You can change the meaning of keys
pressed with CTRL (Control) key and some other keys (TAB ^I,
Backspace ^H, Return ^M, Shift-Return ^J, ESC ^[).
"CONFIG CTRLKEYS" shows the current settings,
"CONFIG CTRLKEYS WQSEIX[TYHJMLRVFP" sets the default settings.
To change something, just change the character corresponding to
the key pressed with CTRL. See some lines above for some CTRL-
eg. TAB is same as CTRL-I . So to use CTRL-K instead of TAB, you use:
config ctrlkeys WQSEKX[TYHJMLRVFP
Warning: You may get confused if you define one key twice.
If you want to get really confused, try:
config ctrlkeys WQSEKX[TIYMJHRVFP
* "CONFIG MOREKEYS" shows the keys that can be pressed inside MORE .
The uppercase keys represent the cursor keys, default is: ABCDSTqsnjwrh
It works similar to CONFIG CTRLKEYS. To use RETURN key to exit MORE use:
config morekeys ABCDST^Msnjwrh (see also ECHO )
* "CONFIG DOT character" replaces the dot character (.) where it has a
special meaning ( ECHO , SEARCH , PUTMSG , dir back, force disk, abbreviation)
eg. config dot *
* "CONFIG HIDE pattern" sets the files that are hidden by DIR
and filename completion . The pattern must contain at least
one wild card .
"CONFIG HIDE" shows the current settings (by default none).
eg. config hide {display current hiding pattern}
config hide "" {unset the hiding pattern}
config hide *.info {ignore *.info-files}
config hide *.info|*.bak {hide files ending in .info and .bak}
config hide ~*.tex|*.dvi {show only *.tex and *.dvi-files}
* "CONFIG COLOUR colours" defines the use of colours. "colours" has to be
a 8 digit number. The digit at position x defines to what colour number
the default colour x is mapped to. Everything clear ? (I think no!)
Thsi is global. Do not forget to make a CLS afterwards.
eg. config colour 01234567 {sets the default colours}
config colour 01111111 {switches to one colour mode, very useful
with OS3.0+ to speed up scrolling}
config colour 01233321 {if you want to use only 4 colours}
* "CONFIG COPYSIZE bytesize" sets the size of the memory block used for
COPY, MOVE and SPLIT to "bytesize" bytes. The default setting 50000
semms to be a good value for both harddisk and floppydisk. If you
only use floppydisk try:
config copysize 20000
and to display the current setting use:
config copysize
* "CONFIG FNCSIZE bytesize" sets the size of the memory block used to
store the last used directory at filename completing (=FNC).
If this memory block (=FNC buffer) is too small, FNC has to read the
directory again every time you press TAB and TAB cycling does not work.
To save memory you can try:
config fncsize 2000 for 2000 bytes FNC buffer or
config fncsize 0 for no FNC buffer at all
and to display the current setting use:
config fncsize
* "CONFIG LOGFILE filename" opens a global logfile which is used by all
ZShells running. You will be asked for your name.
Every command line will go there including date, time and CLI process
number. The logfile will be closed if all ZShells end.
"CONFIG LOGFILE" closes the logfile manually.